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Quality, Environment and Health / Safety at Work Management System.

In the spirit of continuous improvement that has always characterized Guglielmo Vennai, the Company maintains an integrated Quality, Environment and Health and Safety at Work Management System, in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015, BS OHSAS 18001: 2007 to the European Community Regulation EMAS n. 1221/2009.

We believe in this project as an opportunity to improve our organization and business processes, to improve our environmental performance and to better protect the health and safety of all workers, increasingly seeking involvement, dialogue with every interested party, with the community and the territory, to face the new challenges of continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, environmental sustainability and greater respect for the person.

The Integrated Quality, Environment and Safety Management System was certified in April 2018 by Certiquality and from November 2018 the environmental management system is registered as EMAS.


Guglielmo Vennai S.p:a. was born back in 1924 thanks to some of the most important families in town at the time, and it has established itself as one of the most historical and prestigious companies in the marble extraction business in Carrara.

Our quarrying activity takes place in the Fantiscritti marble basin through a direct management in several excavation sites, of which we are title-holders, either as owner or concessionaire.

Commercialization takes place in our warehouse on Via Carriona n.432 in Avenza, while the administration is located on viale XX Settembre n.175.

Counting on a family tradition that roots back to the beginning of last Century, we are aware and positive to be the administrators of a priceless, not renewable natural heritage that doesn't include solely an economic profile, but that involves environment and, mostly, people who have alternated over the last 100 years, to collaborate with us.

We are strongly believe that, in such a particular and specific branch, there can be opportunities for further reduction of environmental impact and improvement over health care and occupational safety.

These opportunities, along with the respect of current laws, represent the goals of our company, which, through the work of its managers, has always pursued and is willing to improve.

Under these premises, we have started, among the very first Companies of the sector to do so, the development of a volountary integrated   System of Environment and Safety Management tin accordance with ISO 14001 and  BS OHSAS 18001 that we are committing to keep active, to have certified by a third organism and to communicate its goals and performances, with the intent to join the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS).

We believe that this integrated management system will further implement our effort to respect prescriptions, to contain pollution, to prevent injuries and work-related illnesses, to constantly improve our environmental performance and work safety/health.


In particular, it will actualize by reaching the following primary goals : 


• ensuring a constant presence and an effective support by the Management to all the company's functions, in order to promote either effectivness and a consistent improvement of the performances regarding environment and work safety and health.

• guaranteeing a correct and accurate communication, information and formation of our Personnel, 

 with the aim of improving sensitiveness and culture towards Environment and work Health/Safety, so to overcome the old habit of "we've always done it this way".

• to involve and seek for opinion and participation of workers, Advisors, and every relevant part invloved, internal or external, so that everyone feels as an active part in an improvement process.

• increasing, in particular within the company, technical expertise and abilty to plan and organize work, that may help identify sustainable innovative paths of reduction of the negative impacts on environment and work-related illnesses. 

• supporting co-operation and seeking contribution that may be provided by external subjects and organizaions, of scientific, institutional, normative and social nature, also through attending meetings, commissions, committees, ecc...bound to research and to improve environmental performance and work safety and health.

• seeking and supporting an atmosphere of dialogue and transparency also towards the outside, with Relevant parts invloved, wich we want to consider as partners and positive interlocutors.

• reducing negative impacts on the environment, especially for what concers quarrying activity related to air (emissions in the atmosphere) and soil (waste menagement, marble residuals, ecc.)

• improving operational control activities concerning health and work safety, either as a better guarantee that all laws will be respected, and to reduce the chances of accidents or injuries.


Our policy, which we want to be available externally as well, and which we will review for possible future updates, constitutes the main road on which we want to ride, aware of the effort that it will take to make it work, and for which we ask max dedication and support by everybody.

The S.p.A. Guglielmo Vennai provides information on its environmental and technical aspects to interested parties and the population.

The Environmental Declaration is always available at its offices, in Viale XX Settembre 175, Carrara (MS) - Avenza.

It is also possible to receive our Environmental Declaration by requesting it by email at the address indicated below.

For more information, contact: Andrea Vinchesi

Phone +39 0585 71407 - 74115

fax +39 0585 779840


The Management at Guglielmo Vennai S.p.a.

Erich Lucchetti 

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